No extra-Biblical sources were used for the wisdom series. Below is a summary of the primary scripture references throughout the video:
- Solomon's wisdom unparalleled: 1 Kings 3:12; 10:23-24; Ecclesiastes 1:16
- King Solomon's Biblical Authorship: Psalm 72 and 127, Majority of Proverbs, Book of Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon
- Seek wisdom like a hidden treasure or precious metal: Proverbs 2:4: 16:16; 18:18-19
- Then, you will understand the fear of the Lord: Proverbs 2:5-6
- The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: Proverbs 9:10
- God stores up sound wisdom for the upright: Proverbs 2:7
- James on wisdom, especially during tests of faith: James 1:2-6
We hope this series is a blessing to you. God bless you!
Imagine the biggest warehouse you have ever seen… Did you know that God has a heavenly storehouse with your name on it? Now, this storehouse isn’t filled with material things… it’s filled with wisdom, knowledge, and understanding so that you can make wise decisions. It’s available at any time; all you have to do is ask in faith.
Hello everyone, my name is David Erhart and welcome to another Christianity Engaged video. We are starting a three-part series on the topic of Biblical wisdom and today, we are going to talk about the profound wisdom of God that is available to us at any time.
God gave King Solomon unparalleled wisdom and his writings continue to speak to us today through God’s Living Word. Did you know that Solomon contributed to four out of the five wisdom books in the middle of your Bible so that you and I can benefit from his God-given wisdom.
Solomon implores us to actively seek wisdom like it were a hidden treasure or even a precious metal. According to Solomon, it is better to be wise, than be a billionaire. In Proverbs chapter two, Solomon states that when we seek wisdom, “Then, we will understand the fear of the Lord and discover the knowledge of God.”
Now, the fear of the Lord can be a confusing concept because we typically only use the word “fear” to describe the negative emotion of being afraid but the word used here by Solomon can also refer to a deep reverential awe and respect. It’s like the immense respect that the Nation of Israel would have given to King David or King Solomon… Or like a young child finding safety in the comfort of their father’s arms. The fear of the Lord is demonstrated by reverential awe and faithful, submissive obedience.
In Proverbs 9:10, Solomon says, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.” Friends, the fear of the Lord is the foundation upon which wisdom is built. And we have to have knowledge of God in a personal and redemptive way to understand our purpose in life.
Now, back to chapter 2, Solomon gives us a profoundly encouraging nugget of truth. He writes, “The Lord gives wisdom and from His mouth come knowledge and understanding.” And the very next verse says, “He stores up sound wisdom for the upright; He is a shield to those who walk in integrity…”
Friends, God knows everything. His wisdom is boundless and available to those who earnestly seek it. “He has a storehouse of wisdom for the upright.” In Solomon’s day, the upright were those who obeyed the Law of Moses. Today, the upright are those who have a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ, the Son. To those who are redeemed, God gives the gift of righteousness, the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, and divine wisdom.
In the New Testament, the Apostle James echoes Solomon’s plea. He tells us to ask God for wisdom, especially during the trials of life which test our faith, for he says that God gives generously to all without finding fault. It is God’s joy to be generous with His boundless storehouse of wisdom. But when we ask, we must ask in faith, for faith is the key that opens this door.
In summary, may we all seek wisdom like it were a hidden treasure or precious metal. For then we will understand the fear of the Lord, which is the foundation upon which wisdom is built. May we all be firmly rooted in this reverential awe and faithful, submissive obedience. And when we lack wisdom, may we simply ask God who gives generously to all without finding fault, especially during the trials of life, which test our faith. But when we ask, we must ask in faith, for this is the key that opens the door.
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