The Southern Baptist Convention’s Family Life Council. Annual Meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention, 2002.
LifeWay Research Study. LifeWay Research and Ministry Development, 2007.
Cold-Case Christianity. J. Wallace Warner. 2018. Web. 18 Apr. 2018.
The State of Theology. Ligonier Ministries and Lifeway Research, 2014.
You Lost Me: Why Young Christians are Leaving Church and Rethinking Church. David Kinnaman. Baker Books, 2011.
[David] I’ve been inspired for a long time to create a faith-focused platform that would advance the Kingdom in a unique way.
[David] I believe that we are starting to see a shift in how people prefer to consume information, especially the younger generation.
[David] Video is so powerful. When you combine the right spoken word with the written word and then you enhance with powerful visuals to reinforce the key concepts, I believe you can truly make a more memorable experience, but you can also do more in less time. We have the ability to take a forty to forty-five-minute sermon and deliver the same key concepts in less than five minutes and actually have better retention of key facts while creating a more positive experience for the viewer.
[Alex] The video strategy is what makes Christianity Engaged unique amongst all the Christian content and apologetics content that is out there today.
[David] Our vides strategy is based on the idea that we want to present the Gospel to as many people as we can, but many people these days have so many barriers to faith—obstacles standing in the way of them believing that God exists, and that he is good.
[David] Studies show that kids raised in the Church are leaving the Church in record numbers, they’re inarticulate about their faith and not prepared to defend it, and many of them are not interested in sitting and watching a forty-five-minute sermon.
[Bill] Part of that is just the failure of the Church to answer the questions that people really have, and to engage people on a level where their toughest questions are being answered.
[David] The one thing that stands out is our goal to go from beginning to end—from atheism to mature believers—and have content for everybody along the way. That’s a difference. I see a lot of videos out there that really aren’t part of a strategic plan to further people in their faith.
[David] We want to reach those atheists, reach those skeptics, reach those agnostics, and move them along a spiritual progression from atheist to mature believer. And we’re going to present content that challenges them and provokes thought, and while at the same time, providing content that helps a young believer and a mature believer grow in a loving relationship with God.
[Dave C.] I really love the way that Christianity Engaged is bringing messages that will be equipping Christians to be able to speak with confidence to the arguments that they hear that just don’t have any basis in truth.
[David] We don’t want Christianity Engaged to compete with the Church or replace the Church in any way. We want to help augment what the Church is doing, and we believe we can help in a pretty big way.
[David] Right now, we are focused on producing high-quality videos as we expand our portfolio of topics. We have plans in the future, however, to translate and localize our video content to reach millions of non-English speakers around the world.
[Alex] We have to keep a consistent content. Our goal right now is one per month, but that eventually that needs to go up even more.
[David] There are several ways that people can help. Number one, they can pray for the ministry. We want every video to be truly inspired and help answer a very difficult question that many people struggle with. Number two, they can help promote our videos. We are on social media and every time we provide a video, there are many different avenues for people to share with their family and friends. And finally, people can give financially to support the ministry.
[Matt] Video content is great but unfortunately it’s not free. It comes at a cost. We have talent, scripts, animations, videos, studios… there are so many pieces and aspects of creating a video and it does come at a cost.
[Bill] The cool thing about Christianity Engaged is when you support the ministry, you get to see exactly what that money is being used for because once you give, the next video that comes out, that video is there because of you.
[David] Wherever you are on your walk or your journey, whether you are an atheist and you believe there is no God or whether you are a mature believer filled with the Holy Spirit and walking in a close relationship with Him, we want to provide videos that will help you grow closer along this spiritual progression and in a loving relationship with God.