The Skeptic’s Journey is based on a true story and is the testimony of a converted atheist and his search for truth over more than 15 years.
What Are the Top Ten Problems with Darwinian Evolution? Casey Luskin. Evolution News and Science Today, July 12, 2012. https://evolutionnews.org/2012/07/what_are_the_to_1/
Inner Life of the Cell (Full Version - Narrated). MoreThinking, January 9, 2013. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FzcTgrxMzZk
What's the Missing Link? Remy Melina. Live Science, April 12, 2010. https://www.livescience.com/32530-what-is-the-missing-link.html
There Might Be 1 Trillion Species on Earth. Stephanie Papas. Live Science, May 5, 2015. https://www.livescience.com/54660-1-trillion-species-on-earth.html
Religion and Science in the United States – Science and Belief. Pew Research Center, November 5, 2009. https://www.pewforum.org/2009/11/05/scientists-and-belief/
Collins: Why this scientist believes in God. Francis Collins. CNN.com, April 6, 2011. http://www.cnn.com/2007/US/04/03/collins.commentary/index.html
[Skeptic] If you have been following my journey this far, then you know how frustrated and confused I am at this point. I started all of this to prove that science has the answers to the origin of the universe and subsequently, all living organisms, and to debunk the myth of a God who created everything.
[Skeptic] Unfortunately, in part 2, my scientific research fell short of my expectations and demonstrated how little we understand about the universe. In fact, scientists now agree that 96% of the universe is made up of matter and energy we can’t see, touch or interact with! Not only do we understand very little about this 96%, we actually lack universal agreement on the other 4%, which makes up all of the planets, stars and galaxies that we can see. That’s the frustrating part.
[Skeptic] The confusing part is when I looked into what I believed to be the irrational side of the debate—the “creationist” side. I researched the Bible at length planning to expose its contents as a series of myths without any historical evidence to back it up.
[Skeptic] But in part 3, I uncovered over 300 extremely specific Old Testament prophesies about a future savior that appear to be fulfilled in the person of Jesus. And these documents were carbon dated before he was born.
[Skeptic] Convinced Jesus had to be a fake, in part 4, I examined numerous non-Biblical historical documents from the 1st and 2nd centuries only to find multiple writings, even some from anti-Christian authors, that not only verify his existence, but mention his miracles—and even his resurrection—as if they were a fact. I just don’t understand.
[Skeptic] Not to be deterred, however, in part 5, I surmised that Jesus had to have been the ultimate magician. So, I decided to look into the lives of his closest friends and followers. They had to know the truth and would have helped him in his charade to impersonate this Savior. It seemed to be the only remaining answer.
[Skeptic] Unfortunately, my research did not support this idea. Historical records that indicate nearly all of Jesus’ closest friends and family died horrible deaths for their faith in him, and for their conviction that they saw him after he rose from the dead. At this point, my confusion level was at an all-time high.
[Skeptic] I decided to go back to science one more time in a final effort to accomplish my original objective. Though cosmological theories and discoveries had let me down, I decided to research the origin of man. Evolution had to prove that God was not involved with the creation or progression of mankind. And with any success, I could just disregard the irrational and confusing ideas from my previous Bible research.
[Skeptic] I actually spent years researching evolution. I will summarize my findings for you to save you time, but I encourage you to do your own research.
[David] Hello everyone! This is part 6 of “The Skeptic’s Journey”, a true story of an atheist’s multi-year search for truth. These are his exact words. This is his story, his journey.
[Skeptic] First, I agree with Charles Darwin about how plants and animals adapt and improve over time, and “the fittest” survive and reproduce. This shouldn’t be in question. It is apparent in nature.
[Skeptic] But I am left with dozens of issues when this theory is used to explain the development of completely new species, or when it is taken back in time to the primordial soup and used to define how all life came from a single source. There are many scientists with exhaustive lists of the issues with evolution theory, but here is my brief summary:
[Skeptic] After all of my research, I had to come to a few of my own conclusions:
[Skeptic] So, with all that said, I am nearing the end of my journey. Science has let me down and frustrated me. It’s a whole lot of theories with much less proof than public perception would have you believe.
[Skeptic] And there are plenty of world-renowned scientists who believe in God and Jesus.
[Skeptic] What do I do from here?
[Skeptic] Could Jesus really be God?
[David] Do you believe we all evolved from a single cell? No matter where you stand on the spectrum of belief, I encourage you to continue with us in viewing The Skeptic’s Journey, a true story.
[David] Thanks for watching. If you enjoyed this video, please let us know. You can click here to subscribe to our channel and here to continue watching The Skeptic’s Journey. If you would like to help us accomplish our mission you can make a tax-deductible donation to our ministry at ChristianityEngaged.org. Thanks, and God bless.